Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 11, 2015

The Half Day Advantage

Mainstream diet books, fitness mags and health blogs can all be reasonably good sources of info. But do you know what I hate about them?

Most of that stuff only works for people in the fitness business: trainers, full time models or competitive athletes. Men and women who are able to give up a normal life for rapid change and short-term results.

But that’s not you, is it?

I’m betting you’re a guy like me or a gal like my wife. You just want an easy plan that let’s you look great naked while living a normal life. And you don’t have time to eat 6 meals a day or carry around tiny Tupperware containers of food to get there.

I know from experience that everyone can get in great shape while having a real life. And I want as many people as possible to have a hot body. Hey, I’m shallow like that and I like looking at hot people on the beach.

Okay, so how are you going to get there?

You’re going to focus on the functionality, practicality, and sustainability of a diet plan first. What the heck does that mean? It means that if something doesn’t work in the real world — for the majority of people, not that 1% of the population who are fitness professionals — then you’re going to drop it. And it doesn’t matter what science or tradition says.

Now don’t get me wrong. The research is still important, and all fat loss plans need a solid science base. My Half Day approach is backed by serious academic studies. I’m a geek and I love that stuff. But you don’t have to. You just need to know that it’s really easy, and it works.
So here’s the thing about practicality…

When you start forming your plans around what you can actually stick to in the real world, you realize that a lot of the established “truths” in the fitness and nutrition industries are nothing but myths with no basis in science.

Sometimes they’re even flat out lies based on political influence. Or they’re designed to sell you a bunch of bullshit you don’t really need.

These dumb fitness myths are actually keeping you fat!

Makes you mad, eh? I know. It made me mad too.

In fact, it made me so mad I sat down and created my own approach. And it’s been working for my clients ever since. Busy people. People with lives. People like you and me.

I’m telling you that it really IS possible to look great year-round. And you don’t have to give up your career or social life to do it either.

Check out our Half Day Diet review now!

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